Pharma-Q's Product Profile

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Product Description Pack Size Active Ingredient Therapeutic Category Indications
39 Pharma-Q Midazolam Inj 50mg/10ml 10 x 10ml Each 10ml contains:
Midazolam 50mg as hydrochloride
Sedative, hypnotic Used intramuscularly for pre-operative sedation, anaesthesia induction in children. Used intravenously for preoperative and conscious sedation, premedication before anaesthesia induction, induction of anaesthesia, maintenance of anaesthesia and long term sedation.
40 Pharma-Q Morphine Inj 10mg/1ml 10 x 1ml Each 1ml contains:
Morphine Sulphate 10mg without preservative
Narcotic Analgesics Relief of intractable pain not controlled with non-narcotic analgesics.
41 Pharma-Q Morphine Inj 15mg/1ml 10 x 1ml Each 1ml contains:
Morphine Sulphate 15mg without preservative
Narcotic Analgesics Relief of intractable pain not controlled with non-narcotic analgesics.
42 Pharma-Q Naloxone HCI Inj 0,4mg/ml 10 x 1ml Each 1ml contains:
Naloxone Hydrochloride 0,4mg
Pure Opiod Antagonist Used to reverse opioid central depression, including respiratory depression in the following:opioid overdosage, post-operatively following the use of opioids during surgery, in neonate following the administration of opioid analgesic to the mother during labour.
43 Pharma-Q Neostigmine Methyl Sulphate Inj 2,5mg/1ml (A/A) 10 x 1ml Each 1ml contains:
Neostigmine Methyl Sulphate 2,5mg
Cholinomimetics Atony of gastro-intestinal smooth muscle: Paralytic ileus and abdominal distension, Atony of the smooth muscle of the urinary bladder: post-operative dysuria, Myasthenia gravis, Termination of the effects of competitive neuromuscular blocking agents such as d-tubocurarine and gallamine.
44 Pharma-Q Neostigmine Methyl Sulphate Inj 2,5mg/1ml (5ml A/V) 10 x 5ml vials Each 1ml contains:
Neostigmine Methyl Sulphate 2,5mg
Cholinomimetics Atony of gastro-intestinal smooth muscle: Paralytic ileus and abdominal distension, Atony of the smooth muscle of the urinary bladder: post-operative dysuria, Myasthenia gravis, Termination of the effects of competitive neuromuscular blocking agents such as d-tubocurarine and gallamine.
45 Pharma-Q Pancuronium Bromide Inj 4mg/2ml 10 x 2ml Each 2ml contains:
Pancuronium Bromide 4mg
Muscle Relaxants Adjuvant to anaesthesia when adequate skeletal muscle relaxation is needed in surgery and in management of patients on assisted ventilation.
46 Pharma-Q Pentazocine Inj 30mg/ml 10 x 1ml Each 1ml contains:
Pentazocine 30mg as lactate
Narcotic analgesics Used for the relief of moderate to severe pain.
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